
If you experience intermittent audio problems while playing e-learning modules, please switch to the Chrome internet browser.

When users experience technical issues with the e-Learning courses, we've found the majority are resolved when they try one or more of the following:

  • Update your internet browser to the latest version
  • Try using a different Internet browser
  • Empty your browser's saved history
  • Reboot your computer
  • Apply any operating system updates required for your computer

For technical assistance with these steps, please contact your company's IT department.


Technical Assistance

If those measures fail to resolve the problem you are experiencing, Caudex is here to help. Please email us and include the following information:

  • The specific part of the site where you encountered the issue (e.g. the module number or name, URL of the page)
  • Which internet browser you were using, and what version it is (e.g. Internet Explorer 11.0, Chrome 77.0.3)
  • The type of device and operating system you were using (e.g. iPad running iOS 10, computer running Windows 10.2)

Screen shots are very helpful.

Contact Us

For general inquiries contact: